A few days ago I followed the live stream of TEDx Amsterdam. I really like the concept of TED and have watched many videos of their previous talks. Those that have my special interest are the ones about the relation between the individual and society. That is why I was especially fascinated by the presentation… Continue reading The Paradox of Civilization and the Shadow Carried by All
Tag: video
The Map and the Territory
Some time ago I watched the video ‘The divided brain and the making of the western world’ from Iain McGilchrist. The talk was really very interesting, so I started reading his book, ‘The Master and his Emissary’ that does a very good job in looking at research on the difference between the left and right… Continue reading The Map and the Territory
Serious about Creativity
Recently I came across a very interesting woman, Paula Scher. I saw a Tedtalk from a few years ago where she talked about design, play and being serious. In that talk she differentiates between being solemn and being serious. Differentiating between those words is not natural for me, because I have a general feeling of… Continue reading Serious about Creativity
Understanding the Meaning of Concepts
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwVtK4kBUoM[/youtube] We bring up our children with too much conceptual abstractions, that they have to memorize. They have to learn concepts without realizing the underlying reality. Learn concepts without understanding the meaning. They have to learn what others think is important. And slowly along the way, they lose the ability to think creative.… Continue reading Understanding the Meaning of Concepts
An Aesthetic Experience
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dxTqbJxGwE[/youtube] Ken Robinson on Aesthetics and An-Aesthetics: An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak. When you are present in the current moment. When you are resonating with the excitement of this thing that you are experiencing. When you are fully alive. An an-aesthetic is when you… Continue reading An Aesthetic Experience
The Artist and the Scientist in Dialogue with the World
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICUJH86idBc[/youtube] David Bohm on Art, Science and Dialogue: Artists are not just ‘expressing themself’, not just ‘pushing outward what is already formed inside of them’. The first thing the artist does is only similar in certain ways to what they have in mind. As in a conversation between two people, they see the… Continue reading The Artist and the Scientist in Dialogue with the World
Art and the Context of Society
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm9wt9lrDLQ[/youtube] Living in a certain place and time, we tend to think within a certain set of values and act upon them as if they are universal. And we use our critical skills to judge ‘everything’. It is a set of values that is a sum of the whole society, and living by… Continue reading Art and the Context of Society
More Power Needs More Coherence
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwp5BH-t7gI[/youtube] David Bohm on Power and Incoherence: We cannot grasp the totality but we can have a feeling for the whole. We can have the attitude of not restricting ourselves to parts, but to allowing our consciousness to be based on the whole of whatever we can experience. Turn to the whole of… Continue reading More Power Needs More Coherence
A Coherent Approach to Reality
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA2fvb0buyc[/youtube] David Bohm on Coherence and Consciousness: If we can have a coherent approach to reality, then reality will respond coherently to us. But nature has been tremendously affected by our way of thinking. There is very little left on earth, that isn’t affected by how we were thinking. The major source of… Continue reading A Coherent Approach to Reality
Creating Something New Together
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvWtNL4opxk[/youtube] David Bohm on Dialogue: If the meaning of communication is to convey information or knowledge from one person to another, then the essence of communication is ‘to make something common’. Dialogue as a special kind of communication, is ‘to make something IN common’. Or creating something new together. But in most cases… Continue reading Creating Something New Together
Creativity Grows on Insight and Understanding
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOBzIgfVOPU[/youtube] Creativity has an inherent order that grows on insight and understanding. It has to develop according to that. It might need rules and boundaries to keep growing in a certain direction. It might need ideas from others to grow even further … but … only after a certain amount of independent growth.… Continue reading Creativity Grows on Insight and Understanding
The Difference between Thinking and Thought
Recently I found a real treasure! At least that is what I considered the video that I found of David Bohm. It is a video where he talked about his life, recorded about two years before his death. There is a part of this video on Youtube that is called David Bohm on perception which… Continue reading The Difference between Thinking and Thought
Focus vs Context and Language vs Psyche
A few weeks ago I came across a blogpost about a book called The Master and his Emissary. The writer of that post thought the book was very important, maybe even the book of the century. In that same blogpost was a video with the writer of the book, Iain McGilchrist. I watched that video… Continue reading Focus vs Context and Language vs Psyche
From Aesthetics to An-Aesthetics
Last week I saw another video of Ken Robinson. He had a TED-talk some years ago about how schools kill creativity, which I watched several times because I thought it was great. Well, he had another talk (Changing Paradigms) of which RSA made an animation. Which I also love, I really like to see a… Continue reading From Aesthetics to An-Aesthetics
Creativity and the Need for Free Space
Money prevents creativity. This was one of the conclusions in the previous post. Another post was about something else that prevents creativity: the need for approval. Both conclusions were based on sound research. Of course it is all a bit more complex than that, but still the conclusions were very interesting. I think this is… Continue reading Creativity and the Need for Free Space
Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
This weekend I saw some very interesting videos on Youtube. One of those videos Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, was so interesting that I wanted to take a closer look. So I uploaded the video below and took notes of the conclusions. Which were surprising, but at the same time, made very… Continue reading Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
Thought is about Becoming, not Being
A few weeks ago I got a book from the library that really fascinated me. And especially one chapter was so interesting that I wanted to write several blogposts about it. But while doing that, I found out that this book was an older version. And there was a more recent version that had an… Continue reading Thought is about Becoming, not Being
Patterns of Meaning that Develop over Time
Recently I was thinking about information. How ‘real’ is our knowledge? My thoughts on that went into many directions (as usual) but I kept coming back to something the writer David Foster Wallace said in an interview. I came across this writer because several people mentioned him. The first time was a while ago, when… Continue reading Patterns of Meaning that Develop over Time
Is our World Dualistic after all?
This is the third time I am going to upload the same video on this blog. The reason for that is that I think this video is extremely important. I think it gives a way out of a very old problem. The problem of choice between Monism and Dualism. It is a video of the physicist… Continue reading Is our World Dualistic after all?
If you Know All the Views, you will Know the Whole
In this post I want to upload and transcribe the fourth part of the interview with David Bohm. In the previous part he talked about why it is important to distinguish information from energy. How information plays a major role in our day to day life (although hard to seperate from energy), but has no… Continue reading If you Know All the Views, you will Know the Whole
Information Exchange
A few days ago, someone on Twitter wrote about a Youtube video of an interview with David Bohm, after he had send some quotes from Bohm that caught my attention. I followed the link to the Youtube video and was immediately fascinated by this man. I am not exactly sure why, but it seemed that… Continue reading Information Exchange