[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICUJH86idBc[/youtube] David Bohm on Art, Science and Dialogue: Artists are not just ‘expressing themself’, not just ‘pushing outward what is already formed inside of them’. The first thing the artist does is only similar in certain ways to what they have in mind. As in a conversation between two people, they see the… Continue reading The Artist and the Scientist in Dialogue with the World
Tag: thought
Thought Thinks the Problem is Out There
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAi15yeKmYY[/youtube] David Bohm on Thought: Thought has developed traditionally in a way that claims not to be affecting anything but just telling you the way things are. Therefore people can not see that they are creating a problem and then apparently trying to solve it. The ecology has not in itself a problem,… Continue reading Thought Thinks the Problem is Out There
Our Incoherent View of the Whole
Coherence is a word that David Bohm used a lot. I noticed it in the video that I wrote about in my previous post. It is a word with a meaning that is rather general. A word that you read without really noticing. But the more I became aware of the word, the more I… Continue reading Our Incoherent View of the Whole
The Difference between Thinking and Thought
Recently I found a real treasure! At least that is what I considered the video that I found of David Bohm. It is a video where he talked about his life, recorded about two years before his death. There is a part of this video on Youtube that is called David Bohm on perception which… Continue reading The Difference between Thinking and Thought
The Form and Content of Thought
After I finished my previous post, one line kept buzzing in my head. ‘Mathematics is about thought, not the content of thought, but the form in which we can hold the content of thought.’ And at the same time I was searching for a picture to visualise how that could be. Sort of structures that… Continue reading The Form and Content of Thought
Thought is about Becoming, not Being
A few weeks ago I got a book from the library that really fascinated me. And especially one chapter was so interesting that I wanted to write several blogposts about it. But while doing that, I found out that this book was an older version. And there was a more recent version that had an… Continue reading Thought is about Becoming, not Being
An Experiment with Language and Thought
In my previous post I made a start with describing an experiment by David Bohm that he did with language. The reason for this experiment was that he wanted to describe what is going on, on the quantum level of our world. Others said that it is only possible to describe that with mathematics, but… Continue reading An Experiment with Language and Thought