[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICUJH86idBc[/youtube] David Bohm on Art, Science and Dialogue: Artists are not just ‘expressing themself’, not just ‘pushing outward what is already formed inside of them’. The first thing the artist does is only similar in certain ways to what they have in mind. As in a conversation between two people, they see the… Continue reading The Artist and the Scientist in Dialogue with the World
Tag: science
More Power Needs More Coherence
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwp5BH-t7gI[/youtube] David Bohm on Power and Incoherence: We cannot grasp the totality but we can have a feeling for the whole. We can have the attitude of not restricting ourselves to parts, but to allowing our consciousness to be based on the whole of whatever we can experience. Turn to the whole of… Continue reading More Power Needs More Coherence
Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BPxMcuZew[/youtube] David Bohm on Creativity: Creativity is essential, not only for science but for the whole of life. If you get stuck in a mechanical, repetitious order, then it will degenerate. One of the problems is, that every civilization got stuck in a certain repetition. The creative energy gradually died away and that… Continue reading Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay
How we Expect Answers from Limited Theories
Going through some online tapes of David Bohm, I found a recording where he says something very interesting. Well, actually I find almost everything he ever said very interesting. But the recording made me realise something else. Last week I found an article online that said that his ‘complete lack of ego completely disguised the enormity… Continue reading How we Expect Answers from Limited Theories
Dialogue as Creating Something New Together
Finally I started reading the book On Dialogue by David Bohm. I was not sure at first that I wanted to buy the book, as there is so much to find online. Like this Proposal for Dialogue. But although I am fine with reading bits and pieces online, or borrow a book at the library,… Continue reading Dialogue as Creating Something New Together
Thought is about Becoming, not Being
A few weeks ago I got a book from the library that really fascinated me. And especially one chapter was so interesting that I wanted to write several blogposts about it. But while doing that, I found out that this book was an older version. And there was a more recent version that had an… Continue reading Thought is about Becoming, not Being
English Books in Dutch Libraries
I love books that are non-fiction. It is not that I do not like fiction, sometimes I do, but most of the books that I read in my life were non-fiction. I used to spend many hours in our library looking for answers to questions I had, taking as much books home as I could.… Continue reading English Books in Dutch Libraries