Last week on Problogger there was a great challenge. It was a 7 link challenge, to write a post with links to 7 posts that fit into 7 themes. I thought that was a perfect way to go over my posts again to see which ones I could bring together in one post. 1. Your… Continue reading The 7 Links Challenge
Tag: Blogging
Creative Development
One word that can describe the first sign of the individual part of the zodiac is creativity. There are many more words that can be used for that part. Expression, selfcentred, arrogant, artistic, honorable, selfassured, ego, confident, pride, attention, authentic. But in this blogpost I want to focuss on the word creativity. Creativity as a… Continue reading Creative Development
Individual Language
As I am blogging for some time now, it is getting more and more clear what is the core of what I want to write about. This weekend I stayed a bit away from the computer and thought what I really, down to the essense, wanted to be the purpose of this blog. And I… Continue reading Individual Language
12 Phases of Blogging
These are 12 phases a blogger might go through. It is a cycle for all development, so I thought why not for blogging. It is a cycle that can take a whole (blogging) lifetime, but it can also be something that you go through very fast, or only partly. For some the focus is very… Continue reading 12 Phases of Blogging
Learning to Write
When we got back from our travel through Europe, I knew one thing for sure. I wanted to keep on blogging. I wanted to blog about a subject that I found out was the core of all my interests, but was difficult to write about, human development. That was the subject that came back every… Continue reading Learning to Write
Travelling through Europe
While I was still working a lot on my CamelLive blog, the day came in April that we left home for a few months. My husband wanted to participate in a footrace through Europe, from the south of Italy to the north of Norway, with a group of 66 other runners from over the whole… Continue reading Travelling through Europe
Perceiving Music
The blog that came next was the one that gave the biggest struggle, but it is the blog I love the most. Well, until now than. It was the first blog I was selfhosting. No idea why I wanted to do that exactly, but somehow it felt right to just get it started. Very exciting… Continue reading Perceiving Music
Spellbound by Music
Looking back now at my time at Gaia I see two things were happening. The first was that I really enjoyed interacting with other bloggers. It was very easy to comment on other blogs and to keep track of those comments. I also really like discussions on forums, but the way you can have discussions,… Continue reading Spellbound by Music
Blogging with Discussion
The next step was my Gaia blog. I had been blogging for a few months and had gone through about 70 elements of the periodic table. It was still a lot fun to do, but I also would like more interaction. And at best on several subjects that had my interest especially philosophy. I had… Continue reading Blogging with Discussion
Entering the World of Blogging
While I was still working on my website, one day I suddenly started blogging. It was at the beginning of 2008 and I was following some bloggers who were discussing homeopathy with critics on their blogs. It was very heated at times, but also really very interesting. I did not have any intention in discussing… Continue reading Entering the World of Blogging
Designing my Website
The first step I took to start creating my own webspace was by making a website, Homeopathicelements. Before that I was more of a reader on the web. Not just on the web, also of many books. But it was not always like that. When I was young I hardly ever read a book. And… Continue reading Designing my Website
Creating my own Webspace
I thought about making my first post in a way that it can serve at the same time as my about page. Being an overview of my blogging life until now, and at the same time I can play around with making screenshots of my previous blogs. Fact is I love all my blogs. I… Continue reading Creating my own Webspace