More Power Needs More Coherence

[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″][/youtube] David Bohm on Power and Incoherence: We cannot grasp the totality but we can have a feeling for the whole. We can have the attitude of not restricting ourselves to parts, but to allowing our consciousness to be based on the whole of whatever we can experience. Turn to the whole of… Continue reading More Power Needs More Coherence

Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay

[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″][/youtube] David Bohm on Creativity: Creativity is essential, not only for science but for the whole of life. If you get stuck in a mechanical, repetitious order, then it will degenerate. One of the problems is, that every civilization got stuck in a certain repetition. The creative energy gradually died away and that… Continue reading Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay