More Posts Following the Process A Path for each Thought Process Understand, Divide and Order Meaning and Context An Experiment with Language and Thought Describing Personal Development Beneath the World of Logic The Meaning of Values Creative Development The Difference between Integrity and Honesty Critical about Criticism Development, Evolution and Transformation Three subconscious Levels Subconscious or Psyche Debate or Dialogue Consciousness Discussions Individuation Process 3 Individuation Process 2 Individuation Process 1 Collective Unconscious Individual Language Information Exchange Tomorrow Gone 12 Phases of Blogging Defining Spirit and Soul Basic Concepts More than One Spirit Three Levels of the Mind Ignorance and Projection What versus How Human Development Ego Development Development in the Zodiac Learning to Write Travelling through Europe Perceiving Music Spellbound by Music Blogging with Discussion Entering the World of Blogging Designing my Website Creating my own Webspace