How Creative Energy becomes Destructive

From the moment I started reading this chapter in the book Science, Order and Creativity, I knew it would be on my mind for a long time. Looking at the posts now, I see that I read the book in June. And still, everything I do, read and hear is in the light of that… Continue reading How Creative Energy becomes Destructive

Basic Ground for the Meaning of Life

So creativity is something that can only arise from within. And every outside interference can block it. At least that is what research seems to suggest. But what does that mean? And what exactly do we mean by creativity? I think that, as I already wrote in the post Inner Drive or Navigation from Outside,… Continue reading Basic Ground for the Meaning of Life

Creativity and the Need for Free Space

Money prevents creativity. This was one of the conclusions in the previous post. Another post was about something else that prevents creativity: the need for approval. Both conclusions were based on sound research. Of course it is all a bit more complex than that, but still the conclusions were very interesting. I think this is… Continue reading Creativity and the Need for Free Space

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

This weekend I saw some very interesting videos on Youtube. One of those videos Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, was so interesting that I wanted to take a closer look. So I uploaded the video below and took notes of the conclusions. Which were surprising, but at the same time, made very… Continue reading Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

Intuition, Sensing, Thinking and Feeling

In my previous post I tried to find a model that is abstract enough to provide room for several existing models. Now in this post I want to see if it will fit Jung’s model of the four psychological types: Intuition, Sensing, Thinking and Feeling. I will not use the Introvert and Extravert part here… Continue reading Intuition, Sensing, Thinking and Feeling

Energy in Matter, and Concepts from Information

In this post I want to rename some of the concepts I used so far on this blog. The reason is that some of the words were not abstract enough to cover the whole phenomenon. In the core model I used the words ‘psyche’ and ‘language’ because they were originally used by Jean Carteret. But in… Continue reading Energy in Matter, and Concepts from Information

Me, my Self and I

The ‘self’ is a concept that I know best by the writings of Carl Jung. I don’t know if my understanding of the concept is right, but I thought I more or less ‘got it’. But as mentioned in my previous post, David Bohm also talks about the ‘self’. And somehow I got the feeling… Continue reading Me, my Self and I

The Development of Creativity

Recently I wrote a post about the place of creativity in human development as a whole. In the post I also mentioned how I see the development of creativity itself. I wrote another post on that before, where I used my model of development to describe creativity in different forms (like dancing, painting, drama, architecture,… Continue reading The Development of Creativity

The Form and Content of Thought

After I finished my previous post, one line kept buzzing in my head. ‘Mathematics is about thought, not the content of thought, but the form in which we can hold the content of thought.’ And at the same time I was searching for a picture to visualise how that could be. Sort of structures that… Continue reading The Form and Content of Thought

Thought is about Becoming, not Being

A few weeks ago I got a book from the library that really fascinated me. And especially one chapter was so interesting that I wanted to write several blogposts about it. But while doing that, I found out that this book was an older version. And there was a more recent version that had an… Continue reading Thought is about Becoming, not Being

The Danger of Praise and Reward as Fuel for Creativity

This post is going to be centred around several sentences. A few lines from the book Science, Order and Creativity. The moment I read those lines, I really felt this was true. By analyzing it here in this post, I hope to emphasise the very important distinctions that I think are essential. I will let… Continue reading The Danger of Praise and Reward as Fuel for Creativity

How Creativity is Blocked by the Need for Approval

Creativity is a natural potential energy in humans, which becomes destructive if it is blocked. This is a conclusion of a chapter in the book that I want to review in this post. The first part of the above conclusion says that creativity is an inherent characteristic in humans, which is shown by experiments with… Continue reading How Creativity is Blocked by the Need for Approval

Creativity in the Whole of Life

After I wrote my previous post, I read the chapter ‘Creativity in the whole of life’ for the second time. The chapter from a book called ‘Science, Order and Creativity’. And this time I was even more convinced that it reflects my thoughts on many things that I want to write about on this blog.… Continue reading Creativity in the Whole of Life

Patterns of Meaning that Develop over Time

Recently I was thinking about information. How ‘real’ is our knowledge? My thoughts on that went into many directions (as usual) but I kept coming back to something the writer David Foster Wallace said in an interview. I came across this writer because several people mentioned him. The first time was a while ago, when… Continue reading Patterns of Meaning that Develop over Time

Is our World Dualistic after all?

This is the third time I am going to upload the same video on this blog. The reason for that is that I think this video is extremely important. I think it gives a way out of a very old problem. The problem of choice between Monism and Dualism. It is a video of the physicist… Continue reading Is our World Dualistic after all?

The Importance of Individual Human Experience

David Bohm has some very interesting things to say about how he sees the future of our world. In the interview from the previous post, he says things that, at first sight, just look like common sense. But if you look closer to what he says, I think it is rather revolutionary. At a certain… Continue reading The Importance of Individual Human Experience

If you Know All the Views, you will Know the Whole

In this post I want to upload and transcribe the fourth part of the interview with David Bohm. In the previous part he talked about why it is important to distinguish information from energy. How information plays a major role in our day to day life (although hard to seperate from energy), but has no… Continue reading If you Know All the Views, you will Know the Whole

Make the Quantum World Understandable

In my previous post Making a Concept of the Whole, I uploaded a video of David Bohm where he talks about finding a way to make quantum physics intelligible. After the transcription, I was going to add my understanding of what he said there, but got a lot of problems with uploading that post. At… Continue reading Make the Quantum World Understandable

Making a Concept of the Whole

After spending a lot of time trying to understand the structure of the rheomode, the experiment of David Bohm with language, I suddenly stopped and asked myself ‘what again was the reason for him to do this experiment’? He explains that in his book ‘Wholeness and the implicate order’, but because the book is way… Continue reading Making a Concept of the Whole

A Path for each Thought Process

This post is the heart of the rheomode, the experiment on language structure by David Bohm. The four previous posts were an attempt to describe the why and the what. In this post I want to describe the how of that experiment. Bohm uses the words that I mentioned in my previous post (relevance, understanding, divide,… Continue reading A Path for each Thought Process

Understand, Divide and Order

This is the fourth post about the rheomode, a language experiment of David Bohm. The first post was about why I was so excited to find out about the experiment, the second post about the reasonwhy Bohm was searching for such a language and the third post was about the introduction of the rheomode. In… Continue reading Understand, Divide and Order

Meaning and Context

In the previous posts I tried to describe an experiment with language and thought. It is an experiment in David Bohm’s book ‘Wholeness and the Implicate Order’ called ‘The Rheomode’. In that book he proposes a new mode to use language, and in these posts I want to talk about my understanding of that experiment.… Continue reading Meaning and Context

An Experiment with Language and Thought

In my previous post I made a start with describing an experiment by David Bohm that he did with language. The reason for this experiment was that he wanted to describe what is going on, on the quantum level of our world. Others said that it is only possible to describe that with mathematics, but… Continue reading An Experiment with Language and Thought

Beneath the World of Logic

In my previous post, The meaning of values, I differentiated between 3 types of values and I wanted to see how they relate to the basic model that I use on this blog. But because I already was trying to make my point about the relation between the meaning of life and the meaning of… Continue reading Beneath the World of Logic

Creative Development

One word that can describe the first sign of the individual part of the zodiac is creativity. There are many more words that can be used for that part. Expression, selfcentred, arrogant, artistic, honorable, selfassured, ego, confident, pride, attention, authentic. But in this blogpost I want to focuss on the word creativity. Creativity as a… Continue reading Creative Development

The Difference between Integrity and Honesty

Recently on a forum someone asked for opinons about the difference between integrity and honesty. I thought that was a really interesting question. I indeed view them different but never thought about why exactly. Like many other words, those two represent a whole world of meaning. They are used all the time and most of… Continue reading The Difference between Integrity and Honesty

Critical about Criticism

Last week I read a blogpost, Criticism the unwanted mentor, that really got me thinking. I have that more often of course, but this one did not only make me think, it also made me analyse my own thinking. The post itself was very interesting but apart from that, it made me want to comment. And… Continue reading Critical about Criticism

Development, Evolution and Transformation

Still discussing the transformation of consciousness, I suddenly realised something. Transformation is a word I tend to use a lot, but also a word like development. So what exactly is the difference and what is the resemblance. And also what is the difference of those two with evolution. First I will go and look up… Continue reading Development, Evolution and Transformation

Three Subconscious Levels

In Three Levels of the Mind I used three signs, to symbolise the primordial, individual and universal mind. In that context, all three together represent the conscious mind. In my previous post, Subconscious or Psyche, three other signs represent the subconscious mind. That part of all knowledge that is not consciously known, but largely influences… Continue reading Three Subconscious Levels

Consciousness Discussions

These last days I have been discussing consciousness. I really like to discuss that. What is consciousness, how is it created, are animals conscious? Just one of my favorite subjects to discuss. But also one of the most difficult ones. Because in order to discuss something we need consciousness itself. We need some level of… Continue reading Consciousness Discussions

Individuation Process 3

The zodiac can be divided into three areas. If it is used to describe the human development from birth to death, the signs can be used to mark the age of an individual human being. Of course it is a very abstract way and it can differ from person to person. But in general there… Continue reading Individuation Process 3

Individuation Process 2

My previous post was unfinished because I pushed the publish button to soon. And therefore I was not even finished  laying down the basic concepts as I wanted to use them in the post. Those basic concepts are essential because there is no other way for me to get the words and concepts clear to… Continue reading Individuation Process 2

Individuation Process 1

Another really interesting concept of Jung is actually kind of opposite to the concept of collective unconscious from the previous post. It is his concept of individuation. Individuation is the process of transforming the psyche by bringing the personal and collective unconscious into consciousness. As already became clear in my previous post, I see it… Continue reading Individuation Process 1

Collective Unconscious

Just now I looked at my previous post Individual Language again and I suddenly realised something. I mentioned several theories and ever so many people that came up with those theories. But no matter how important those theories are (in general, but especially in the purpose of this blog) there is one theorie that is… Continue reading Collective Unconscious

Information Exchange

A few days ago, someone on Twitter wrote about a Youtube video of an interview with David Bohm, after he had send some quotes from Bohm that caught my attention. I followed the link to the Youtube video and was immediately fascinated by this man. I am not exactly sure why, but it seemed that… Continue reading Information Exchange

Basic Concepts

With my latest model of combining Integral theory and the Zodiac, the model is turned. Now it is the same as in Integral theory (LL is indeed lower left) and now the Zodiac is upside down. I use the words ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ instead of ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’. And instead of ‘impersonal’ I now use… Continue reading Basic Concepts