[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAi15yeKmYY[/youtube] David Bohm on Thought: Thought has developed traditionally in a way that claims not to be affecting anything but just telling you the way things are. Therefore people can not see that they are creating a problem and then apparently trying to solve it. The ecology has not in itself a problem,… Continue reading Thought Thinks the Problem is Out There
Month: June 2011
A Coherent Approach to Reality
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA2fvb0buyc[/youtube] David Bohm on Coherence and Consciousness: If we can have a coherent approach to reality, then reality will respond coherently to us. But nature has been tremendously affected by our way of thinking. There is very little left on earth, that isn’t affected by how we were thinking. The major source of… Continue reading A Coherent Approach to Reality
Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BPxMcuZew[/youtube] David Bohm on Creativity: Creativity is essential, not only for science but for the whole of life. If you get stuck in a mechanical, repetitious order, then it will degenerate. One of the problems is, that every civilization got stuck in a certain repetition. The creative energy gradually died away and that… Continue reading Creativity to Prevent External Pressure and Internal Decay
Creating Something New Together
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvWtNL4opxk[/youtube] David Bohm on Dialogue: If the meaning of communication is to convey information or knowledge from one person to another, then the essence of communication is ‘to make something common’. Dialogue as a special kind of communication, is ‘to make something IN common’. Or creating something new together. But in most cases… Continue reading Creating Something New Together
Time and the Meaning of Life
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgY2zFxeJDU[/youtube] The first part of the meaning of life, is to build a personality with strong values. Values that are worth defending. Use them to choose a direction, stick with it and make it a succes. Challenge the cultural background and make decisions on personal experience. Keep what works and improve it. Defend… Continue reading Time and the Meaning of Life
Creativity Grows on Insight and Understanding
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOBzIgfVOPU[/youtube] Creativity has an inherent order that grows on insight and understanding. It has to develop according to that. It might need rules and boundaries to keep growing in a certain direction. It might need ideas from others to grow even further … but … only after a certain amount of independent growth.… Continue reading Creativity Grows on Insight and Understanding
Integrity needs Honesty
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okwoNoFBv0g[/youtube] There can be honesty without integrity, but no integrity without honesty. Although integrity needs honesty, it does not mean you always have to be absolutely honest to others. It just means you have to be absolutely honest to your self. Being honest to others is many times just giving a personal opinion.… Continue reading Integrity needs Honesty