The Form and Content of Thought

After I finished my previous post, one line kept buzzing in my head. ‘Mathematics is about thought, not the content of thought, but the form in which we can hold the content of thought.’ And at the same time I was searching for a picture to visualise how that could be. Sort of structures that… Continue reading The Form and Content of Thought

Thought is about Becoming, not Being

A few weeks ago I got a book from the library that really fascinated me. And especially one chapter was so interesting that I wanted to write several blogposts about it. But while doing that, I found out that this book was an older version. And there was a more recent version that had an… Continue reading Thought is about Becoming, not Being

The Danger of Praise and Reward as Fuel for Creativity

This post is going to be centred around several sentences. A few lines from the book Science, Order and Creativity. The moment I read those lines, I really felt this was true. By analyzing it here in this post, I hope to emphasise the very important distinctions that I think are essential. I will let… Continue reading The Danger of Praise and Reward as Fuel for Creativity

How Creativity is Blocked by the Need for Approval

Creativity is a natural potential energy in humans, which becomes destructive if it is blocked. This is a conclusion of a chapter in the book that I want to review in this post. The first part of the above conclusion says that creativity is an inherent characteristic in humans, which is shown by experiments with… Continue reading How Creativity is Blocked by the Need for Approval

Creativity in the Whole of Life

After I wrote my previous post, I read the chapter ‘Creativity in the whole of life’ for the second time. The chapter from a book called ‘Science, Order and Creativity’. And this time I was even more convinced that it reflects my thoughts on many things that I want to write about on this blog.… Continue reading Creativity in the Whole of Life