Recently I was thinking about information. How ‘real’ is our knowledge? My thoughts on that went into many directions (as usual) but I kept coming back to something the writer David Foster Wallace said in an interview. I came across this writer because several people mentioned him. The first time was a while ago, when… Continue reading Patterns of Meaning that Develop over Time
Month: May 2010
Is our World Dualistic after all?
This is the third time I am going to upload the same video on this blog. The reason for that is that I think this video is extremely important. I think it gives a way out of a very old problem. The problem of choice between Monism and Dualism. It is a video of the physicist… Continue reading Is our World Dualistic after all?
The Importance of Individual Human Experience
David Bohm has some very interesting things to say about how he sees the future of our world. In the interview from the previous post, he says things that, at first sight, just look like common sense. But if you look closer to what he says, I think it is rather revolutionary. At a certain… Continue reading The Importance of Individual Human Experience