After my previous post about different types of discussions I got to think there have to be some differentiations already. But they are likely not just all called discussion. So what other forms of discussion are there? After some searching I found that the most characteristic forms are debate and dialogue. I was not sure… Continue reading Debate or Dialogue
Month: December 2009
Consciousness Discussions
These last days I have been discussing consciousness. I really like to discuss that. What is consciousness, how is it created, are animals conscious? Just one of my favorite subjects to discuss. But also one of the most difficult ones. Because in order to discuss something we need consciousness itself. We need some level of… Continue reading Consciousness Discussions
Individuation Process 3
The zodiac can be divided into three areas. If it is used to describe the human development from birth to death, the signs can be used to mark the age of an individual human being. Of course it is a very abstract way and it can differ from person to person. But in general there… Continue reading Individuation Process 3
Individuation Process 2
My previous post was unfinished because I pushed the publish button to soon. And therefore I was not even finished laying down the basic concepts as I wanted to use them in the post. Those basic concepts are essential because there is no other way for me to get the words and concepts clear to… Continue reading Individuation Process 2
Individuation Process 1
Another really interesting concept of Jung is actually kind of opposite to the concept of collective unconscious from the previous post. It is his concept of individuation. Individuation is the process of transforming the psyche by bringing the personal and collective unconscious into consciousness. As already became clear in my previous post, I see it… Continue reading Individuation Process 1
Collective Unconscious
Just now I looked at my previous post Individual Language again and I suddenly realised something. I mentioned several theories and ever so many people that came up with those theories. But no matter how important those theories are (in general, but especially in the purpose of this blog) there is one theorie that is… Continue reading Collective Unconscious
Individual Language
As I am blogging for some time now, it is getting more and more clear what is the core of what I want to write about. This weekend I stayed a bit away from the computer and thought what I really, down to the essense, wanted to be the purpose of this blog. And I… Continue reading Individual Language