Basic Concepts

With my latest model of combining Integral theory and the Zodiac, the model is turned.

Now it is the same as in Integral theory (LL is indeed lower left) and now the Zodiac is upside down.

I use the words ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ instead of ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’. And instead of ‘impersonal’ I now use the Integral term ‘collective’.

For the Integral term ‘individual’ I had to use ‘personal’ to differentiate it from the ‘individual’ that is used together with ‘primodial’ and ‘universal’ in the Zodiac.

Zodiac concepts: PrimordialIndividualUniversal / SpiritBodyMindSoul

Integral concepts: Collective – Personal – Inside – Outside / I – We – It – Its

Personal Outside: IT

1. Primordial Spirit: ACTION (aries)

2. Primordial Body: MANIFESTATION (taurus)

3. Primordial Mind: INTERACTION (gemini)

Personal Inside: I

4. Primordial Soul: EMOTION (cancer)

5. Individual Spirit: EXPRESSION (leo)

6. Individual Body: FUNCION (virgo)

Collective Inside: WE

7. Individual Mind: REFLECTION (libra)

8. Individual Soul: INTEGRATION (scorpio)

9. Universal Spirit: VISION (sagittarius)

Collective Outside: ITS

10. Universal Body: CONSTRUCTION (capricorn)

11. Universal Mind: INVENTION (aquarius)

12. Universal Soul: COMPASSION (pisces)



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  2. The way I see primordial and universal are like pre-individual and post-individual.

    Pre-individual is sort of like before puberty. The person takes the values and worldview from the people around them, from parents and the country they are born in.

    Individual is sort of like puberty, where the person develops his own views, at first often even opposed to the people around.

    And with post-individual the person sees a bigger whole, but now with their own individual view on things. And with their unique contribution.

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